27 September 2014

NewbCamp: The AK-47

"I suck with the AK, send help." [src]

Welcome to NewbCamp, the 101 on skills you need to learn to be an efficient CS MASTER. The NewbCamp series will range from Low, to Medium, to Advanced, all the way to Expert tips, trick and tutorials. 

Today we start with one of the most important weapons in-game: the AK-47. It is simultaneously one of the hardest to learn and best weapons in the game. It's relatively cheap, does one-shot headshots (OSHs for short), and requires near-perfect movement/stopping before firing, similar to the deagle. I'll set this guide in the medium range, but mastering these high jinks will get you one step closer to being an Advanced player.

So, let us begin with the basics. The AK-47 is the main rifle of the Terrorist side, costing a mere 2700 big ones and gifting you with the ability to do OSHs, even with the enemy wearing a helmet. It is one of the most versatile tools in the Terrorists' arsenal, and mastering it will definitely make you a more valuable player for your team. The two first bullets of a burst are extremely accurate, the third one also hitting in a tight diameter, and the whole spray pattern is pretty easy to get a hang of. You have 30 bullets of brain-blasting power, so don't make yourself vulnerable by reloading too often. This is a mistake that many new players make with 30-round magazines. The AK-47's reload time is 2.5 seconds, and that's 2.5 seconds for you to get you head bashed in whilst being completely defenceless. So for example, if you've got around 14 bullets left in your current mag, and you're sure that the enemy might push any second now, better be prepared to dish out those god-given headshots, than being caught with your pants down.

To improve your AK skills further, there's a few things you need to take into consideration. You need to improve your aim, movement, crosshair placement, spray control, meta-game and countless of other minute details. I will go into the specifics about all these in future posts, but I'll tell you the main points considering the AK.

Movement. You can find a lot of videos on this, but the main thing you need to perfect is when to shoot to be pin-point accurate. While moving in one direction, release the movement-stimulating key(s), then tap in the opposite direction (this requires a few times to perfect) and you will stop almost instantaneously. One thing that many players forget to do is that if you're pressing two keys at once (i.e. W n' A), you need to press both counter-keys to stop movement completely (S n' D). If all this feels hard at first, you can try stopping just by crouching or pressing the walk key, but mastering the previous method is much more precise and consistent. Being absolutely still a split second before shooting is an definite must for precise shots with the AK-47.

Aiming and shooting. Aim for the head. This is the most important thing you need to know. You can burst at most ranges, but I recommend single-tapping at faraway targets (i.e. de_dust2's pit to A-site) and controlled sprays for close quarter combat. (Tap-dancing a.k.a. The Wiggle is a good technique to handle. Edit: Since this patch, it isn't quite as viable anymore. You can still do it to some extent, but it's much more risky.) Crouching in a fire fight is generally considered a bad idea fun! There are a few exceptions, but that is for a future tutorial. For now, I'll just say that use crouching as a last resort.

Practice, practice, practice. Practice these techinque until it's second nature. Practice shooting with the AK so hard that it starts spilling into your dreams. Practice spraying, bursts and tapping on an empty local server. Play deathmatch. Play on 1on1 servers. Play Match-Making (or an alternative service: ESEA, Faceit etc.) Practice until you're starting to get really unnerved each time you play. And then have a one week - at least! - break from playing. Go do something outside. Train your body a bit. See some friends. Eat and sleep well. And when you come back, you'll have all that you've learned in muscle memory. Then it's time to put those hard-earned skills to some use and get those kills!

To summarize:

  • Learn the gun.
  • Stop before you shoot.
  • Aim for the head.
  • Don't be too reload-happy.
  • Nor be too crouch-happy.

Mastered these step, but still can't hit a thing? Then there's probably something wrong with your sensitivity. Tune in next week to find your perfect sensitivity!

 - sb00t

Additional watch up:

[CS:GO Pro Tips] adreN - AK47 Guide:

Entity name:weapon_ak47
Kill award:$300
Ammo capacity:30 / 90
Reload time:2.5 s
Run speed:215 units/s
Additional info:cs.wikia & kniferound.net

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